Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I like to draw LDS Temples.  Most recently, I drew the Newport Beach California Temple for Melanie Hardman, and I'm so proud of me. :) :) :)

In the past I've drawn a few other temples, this is the Mount Timpanogos Utah temple.  I drew it for my friend Shelby Woodhouse.  It took about 5 hours.

This is the Denver Colorado Temple I drew for my friend Kyndal.  It took about 2 hours.

These next pictures are some progressive shots of me drawing the Newport Beach California Temple. 
I always start with drawing the steeple of any temple.

That's right.  I use Harry Potter books to hold the paper in place. :)

I started to outline it in pen here.

BOOM.  Palm Tree.

About halfway done coloring.

Coloring the sky.

Now it's all matted.  Notice the fancy bow I made myself in the corner.

Here's a close up of the picture itself, all done.  Oh, and it took about 6 1/2 hours.


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